Fitness and Sustainability

Fitness Is An Exercise In Sustainability

Food Is Transformative

Food choice can transform your personal health as well as the health of our environment. Eating fresh, whole foods that are grown with an eye on ecology forms the foundation of fitness and of sustainable ecosystems.

Movement Is Essential

The human body is for interaction. A strong body that moves well keeps you healthy, engaged, and contributing your talents and energy. Something as simple as walking or biking instead of driving promotes physical activity while reducing emissions and connecting you to the place and the community that you move through every day.

Systems Shape Societies

Health is a reflection of the world we live in. When access to healthy foods is scarce, eating well is hard to do. When public transportation, bike lanes, or sidewalks don’t exist life is that much more sedentary and pollution that much more pervasive. When daily stresses override your ability to relax, sleep, and recover your health suffers over the long term. We can create new systems that make both people and society healthier by focusing on the connections between our personal fitness and the world around us.